
The Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund has raised more than $3.5 million since inception - all for the maintenance and enhancement of the trails in the Red Rock Ranger District.

The funding from the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund has been vital to the USFS's recent successes. Over time, the Red Rock Ranger District has used the funding to help preserve, protect and grow the trail system by:

  • Increasing the season crew sizes from 4 to 14 workers
  • Reducing the trail maintenance backlog
  • Rerouting overused trails to improve sustainability
  • Building new trails to expand the trail system
  • Repairing and replacing trail signs, cairns and kiosk
  • User education - everyone can be a steward of the forest, if they know how

Special donations have also enabled us to create an endowment fund (held by the Arizona Community Foundation) to ensure that funding continues for future generations.

History of new trail construction

61 miles of new trails constructed in Sedona's Red Rock Country, made possible with support from the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund

Money and muscles

In addition to cash funding, local volunteers contribute significantly to accomplishing what needs to get done. With a combination of trail crew workers from the USFS staff, American Conservation Experience seasonal teams and volunteers from the non-profit Friends of the Forest, impressive new construction and heavy maintenance milestones were made possible.

Got it done in 2023

  • 1,830 drains maintained or constructed
  • 196.4 miles brushed/lopped
  • 2,151 linear ft of rock work constructed or maintained
  • 66 signs/cairns installed
  • 183 trees logged out
  • 29,237 sq ft of rehab/restoration
  • 59 social trails closed
  • Further improvements to Cathedral Rock Trail (Phase IV)
  • 3,384 volunteer hours; 48 volunteer events; 582 volunteers
  • Archeology study for Turkey Creek and other new trails completed
  • Trail census completed for future planning
  • Endowment funded to $1.5M to ensure mission sustainability

USFS Red Rock District Trail Crew

First project completed for 2024 - Soldiers Pass Trail

This trail has sustained critical damage from overuse, illegal Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use and erosion from severe weather. It needs new staircases, effective drainage routes and solutions for restricting users to the trail. The trail tread must be raised to prevent further decomposition of soil and rock crush, and to create a durable surface for sustainable use. To address these problems, it will be necessary to install new rock structures and repairs some that are existing. Social trail junctions will be eliminated. This is a six week project that will involve no trail closures. Work will be performed by the USFS Red Rock Ranger District’s seasonal trail crew augmented by American Conservation Corp members from and volunteers. 

Cash Cost: $50,767.00. Funding Needed to Fully Fund: $30,288.70.  Completed Jan 2024.

East Soldiers Pass wash staircase, before and after.

West Soldiers Pass wash staircase bottom, before and after.

West Soldiers Pass wash staircase top, before and after.

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