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  • 10 May 2023 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    By Dick Williams, SRRTF Director

    Hang with me…this is way more interesting than it sounds!

    The Cathedral Rock trail work has been the subject of many articles, a two-month forest closure, and countless conversations wondering what was going on up there.  Although the finished product just blends right in, the process to get it there is more than just stacking rocks.

    Before beginning the project, the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund was talking with the Forest Service about how best to get the work done given varying experiences of the incoming work crews. Trail construction here in the Red Rocks is nuanced, so we wanted to make sure the incoming work crews had both the basic skills and knowledge of the specialized techniques to source, cut, move and place the rocks needed to stabilize the new steps and harden the trails.

    We learned during the project design phase that there are somewhat different standards between Forest Service trails and National Park trails, the latter typically being more robust for higher usage and longer service life. National Park standards had been chosen for these trails, given their popularity, so it was determined the incoming work crews would benefit from some specialized training. Most importantly, not only would this training help complete Cathedral safely and efficiently, but it would give the crews skills they could use later in life.

    Enter Matt Roberts of Flagline Trails and his colleague Mark Loseth. Between them, a series of two-week programs was devised. Since most of the crew members would be new to Red Rock country, it was decided to teach both a fundamentals section and a Red Rock specific section.

    Flagline Trails trainers teaching the crew how to use string lines, line levels and tape measures to determine the rise and run of a project site.

    The first two weeks, completed late 2022, concentrated on general safety, tool usage, logistics, quarrying and moving and general rock placement. It turns out there are right and wrong ways to move rocks around a hillside. The second two weeks, completed at the beginning of the Cathedral Trail work in February, concentrated on the specifics needed to source and shape and place our Red Rocks. Turns out not all rocks or dirt are created the same.

    The entire effort was estimated to cost about $14,000. The SRRTF had already decided it was needed and worthwhile and had decided to fund it.  A chance lunch with Steve Langston, of the Langston Family Foundation, however, changed the funding source.

    The Langston Family Foundation has a been a long-time supporter of SRRTF and other local Sedona charities. Upon hearing of this training idea, Steve felt it was a very good opportunity for his family to provide a grant—especially since it benefited young people and gave them life skills for their future. Consequently, they provided $8,000 towards the training.

    The training was tremendously successful, and was met with enthusiasm from the crews. You could sense their excitement to get out on the project and try out their new found skills.

    Several weeks later, District Ranger Amy Tinderholt relayed some observations and appreciation to the SRRTF board for making the training possible. She noted that the crews truly appreciated the education, and for the first time they felt like someone was investing in their future. This result not only makes it all worthwhile, but also bodes well for attracting crew members to return for future assignments.

    Special thanks to the Langston Family Foundation for this show of generosity that will pay dividends for years to come.

    The SRRTF and the Forest Service are already exploring making this type of training an annual kick-off for the seasonal work crews.

  • 10 May 2023 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    The Sedona-based Red Rockers Meetup group is all about outdoor fun and making new friends – from kayaking, hiking and yoga to alfresco wine or beer tasting at local venues. For the uninitiated, Meetup is an online service used to create groups that host local in-person and virtual events. The platform has been around since 2002. As of 2017, they report 35 million users worldwide.

    The local Red Rockers is a public group (anyone can join) with close to 2,800 members. Local residency is not required and many members live elsewhere but enjoy jumping into the activities when in the area. The common denominator is an interest in enjoying outdoor recreation in Red Rock Country in the company of others.

    In February, as a give back to the trails that deliver so much enjoyment, the Red Rockers organized a fund-raising campaign for the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund. One member offered to match dollar-for-dollar every donation collected in February and March, via a private website donation page that was set up by the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund staff.

    On at Meetup event on April 27th at Vino di Sedona, representatives of the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund honored and thanked the group and their founder, Mike Coltrane, for bring in a total of $5,690. While most of the donations were from members in the Verde Valley, some came in from other states, including Illinois, Minnesota and Montana and California.

    Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund Director Dick Williams congratulated the members for their successful campaign. “Our 400+ mile trail system couldn’t be what it is today without support from generous donations from people like you. The heavy toll that the winter weather wrecked on the forest and trails added to the maintenance tasks for the trail crew – your contribution will help the US Forest Service trail crews with the cleanup.” Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund President Kevin Adams, VP Sandi Heysinger, and Program Director Camille Cox were also present to thank the members

  • 10 May 2023 5:00 AM | Anonymous

    By Kevin Adams, SRRTF President

    Did you know that the Verde Valley has provided shelter and sustenance to human cultures for thousands of years? When the first white settlers arrived in the Verde Valley in 19th century, they discovered the remains of ancient cultures, the largest of which are now protected as National Monuments. But large numbers of major and minor archaeology sites dot the landscape and remain unprotected and, in many cases, undocumented. These sites are protected by Federal law.

    Typically, when the Red Rock Ranger District wants to do a construction project (e.g., build a new trail), the District’s archaeologist must determine how to protect Native American archeological sites and historic properties. This may require surveying the project area and then consulting with the State Historic Preservation Office on the findings.

    To plan for a slate of proposed new trails in 2024, the Forest Service asked the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund to help fund the $157,000 cost for the legally requisite archaeological surveys. The organization successfully raised the full amount through SRRTF supporters.

    The Trail Fund then worked with forest archaeologists to contract with the firm Tetra Tech to conduct the surveys. The results, expected in August, will be used to protect cultural sites from trail construction impacts.

    To bring this work to life, we asked Tetra Tech’s archaeologist Katheryn “Kat” Turney a few questions.

    What it’s like to perform these surveys? “It is exhilarating, exhausting, completely all-encompassing and engrossing. It can be sunny or raining, hot or cold and most archaeologists will still enjoy survey. Let’s face it, it’s not a job, it is a life’s work and done with heart and a passion for those who came before us. We always want to know more, see more, experience more. It is a life of adventure.”

    What’s the most interesting thing you found during one of these surveys? “An intact floor in a cliff dwelling. It was if the people living there had just walked away yesterday. Doug Mitchell, my co-worker, had an interesting find while on an excavation in Calgary, Alberta. They were excavating a large buffalo kill. They had a 1 meter x 1 meter unit open and were cleaning up a vertebral column for photos. While working between two of the cervical, he heard a “click” on his trowel. He extracted what turned out to be a quartz crystal corner-notched projectile point. They later dated the bone bed to 8200 BC.”

    What was the strangest thing found during these surveys? “Fifteen office chairs, complete with wheels, each spaced out about 50 ft. apart, a dismembered baby doll, seven left shoes from different sized feet, a fish grave complete with aquarium set-up, and lots of golf balls in very remote places.” Makes you wonder what future archaeologist will think of our time.

    What should a lay person understand about your work? “Well, the obvious thing would be to say that we don’t do dinosaurs…but also that there is more to archaeology than just excavation. We survey, we monitor at construction sites, and most of us spend more time in the office or the lab writing reports, researching and conducting artifact analysis than we do in the field.”  

    Anything else? “We really dislike stacked rocks. It’s bad for the environment, messes with what is and is not a trail, and…. well, it irritates the crap out of us. Plain and simple, please don’t stack the rocks! If by chance you are lucky enough to find an artifact in the field, please take all the pictures you want and then leave it where you found it. An artifact out of context is not helpful to the archaeological record. Oh, and if you find something interesting, call me!”

    You can learn more about the human history Verde Valley at the Verde Valley Archaeology Center and Museum in Camp Verde.

  • 10 May 2023 5:00 AM | Anonymous

    Hikers and bikers on certain Red Rock trails during the week of April 10th had an opportunity to watch the lights-camera-action of a professional film crew creating a documentary on the work of the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund. The Los Angeles-based film crew and an international marketing firm are creating short documentary-style showcase pieces on inspirational land stewardship work being accomplished with volunteers.

    The final piece will explain the unique partnership between US Forest Service, Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund and Friends of the Forest that supports the demanding maintenance needs of the remarkable 400-mile system of non-motorized trails.  With a 10-member board of directors and a single staff member, the SRRTF has raised in excess of $2.4million since inception, all for the maintenance and enhancement of non-motorized trails in the Red Rock Ranger District

    “It was an exciting week working with our volunteers and local spokespersons to share our story in such a way that might inspire vision and volunteerism in other parts of the country”, says Kevin Adams, president of the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund.  He added, “From all indicators – the hikers and bikers, young and old, really enjoyed the added entertainment value as well.”

    The 40+ person production and agency management team lodged at Sedona Real Inn and Suites (one of our generous Trail Keeper sponsors), and raved about meals enjoyed at Rascal, Rene’s, Mooney’s and Stagecoach Sedona.

  • 19 Apr 2023 6:49 PM | Anonymous

    Keep Sedona Beautiful (KSB) honored the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund and our president, Kevin Adams, with their Award of Excellence for Environmental Stewardship.

    Each year, KSB identifies organizations, businesses and individuals who have made significant contributions to the community.

    We thank all our donors, partners and grantors for making the work we do possible!

  • 3 Feb 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    I am pleased to report that our year-end quarterly fundraising drive brought in a record $281,360 (all sources) towards our many projects on the docket for 2023. Every contribution plays a meaningful part in maintaining the trail system – THANK YOU

    The success of the year-end campaign completes the last of the strategic goals from the business plan adopted in 2018. The dedication and excellent work of our board of directors is to be commended. As a team, they met or exceed all of our stated intentions, experimented, learned and grew as an organization. My gratitude to each of them for their service. 

    Our executive committee for 2023 is laying the foundation of our next 5-year strategic plan. During the next few months, the board of directors will finalize that plan, with implementation scheduled for our next fiscal year (October 1st).

    A key organizational development goal from the last plan was to bring on a paid professional staff member to take us to the next level. I am pleased to announce that on December 1st, Camille Cox officially joined our team as program director. She will be assisting our three standing committee chairs with their activities and assuming chairmanship of one of the committees sometime in March.

    This new position – and the opportunity it opens up for the SRRTF – was made possible through a grant from the Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund.

    Please enjoy the revamped design of our quarterly newsletter and the variety of articles reporting on the projects made possible through your generosity.

  • 3 Feb 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Phase 4 to Complete in March

    The final stretch of the ambitious restoration project for Cathedral Rock Trail is underway, and with cooperation from Mother Nature, it should be complete and open by early April.

    This last section of Phase Four is the endpoint of a project that started in the Fall of 2021. This final push involves the uppermost area from Switchback Staircase to End of Trail. 

    Steep, Tough Terrain  Cathedral Rock Trail has many unique qualities that make it a place like no other in the Coconino National Forest. Erosive soils, steep terrain, slick rock, and frequent "washouts" make it particularly challenging to Forest Service trail managers. It presents specific exceptional requirements for rock construction not seen elsewhere in the Red Rock Ranger District. Although rock work is always intensive and time-consuming, the conditions on Cathedral are extreme.

    Particularly daunting is the challenge of moving essential heavy equipment uphill each day. Forrest Gale and Tommy Cogger, Summit to Sea consultants who are working with the USFS on the project, explain, "In our experience in the southwest, we compare this style/technique and caliber of trail building to what you find on the Grand Canyon trails. All of the equipment is hauled up by hand, on the backs of workers and on a rock dolly.”

    Kevin Kuhl, trails/wilderness/OHV coordinator for the Red Rock Ranger District, provided the following update. “Crews are currently gearing up by installing new fencing at the junction of the Cathedral Rock and Templeton trails. This will provide for transition from the open, slick rock terrain on Templeton. It will also better delineate the trail alignment of Cathedral, and reduce redundant social trail alignments on the beginning of the Cathedral slick rock climb. Once the project starts, crews will focus on safely rigging rock to efficiently move it to the construction areas. Then the rock splitting and shaping will start for new check step construction.”

    Trail Closure and Re-Opening  According to Kuhl, schedule limitations affecting the American Conservation Experience youth corps crew supporting the project pushed their start date back by a week, impacting completion of the USFS crew work until the end of March.

    The lower 0.2-mile portion of the trail from Cathedral Rock trailhead to the Templeton junction will be open to the public for the full duration of the project. The upper 0.3-mile portion of the trail – from the Templeton Junction to the terminus – will remain closed from February 1st to March 31st, unless work is completed earlier and all hazards related to this work are mitigated. He added, “We anticipate volunteer assistance from the Westerners Hiking Club and Friends of the Forest to help us educate the public about the ongoing Forest Closure Order of Cathedral Rock Trail”.

    Funding Still Needed to Bridge the Chasm  The project got off the ground financially when the USFS received money from the Great American Outdoors Act of 2020. As that funding was insufficient to cover the cost, the USFS partnered with the SRRTF to raise what was needed to complete the project. This has been largely achieved through remarkably generous support of private donors and grants.

    “Significant donations from the National Forest Foundation ($27,100), Enchantment Resort ($15,000), the Sedona Westerners 2022 Trail Fund Campaign ($10,000+), Kahtoola ($8,000) and 66 other donors, have closed the funding gap to $69,760,” stated Kevin Adams, SRRTF president. He added, “We’re urging the community to help bring this project to full, successful closure by March 1st”.

    All donations are tax-deductible, and easy to make at On the home page, you can choose to donate specifically to the Cathedral Rock Trail, and your full donation will be used for that project.

  • 3 Feb 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    In November of 2012, 100+ determined trail enthusiasts, sardine-packed themselves into a tiny room in the Village of Oak Creek and kick-started a master planning process for the Red Rock District trail system. As  a result of this year-long sequence of public meetings, more than 130 miles of new non-motorized trails were identified along with enhancements to existing trails. And from that planning, 61 miles of new trails were approved and constructed.

    These meetings also produced a new emphasis on trail maintenance. Trail Crew members (staff who do the actual trail maintenance) increased from one full-year and two seasonal, to two full-year and 12 seasonal members on duty this field season. Today, this crew maintains 250-300 trail miles annually.

    And last, to pay for this ambitious plan, the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund was created to raise funds for the maintenance and enhancement of the non-motorized trails on National Forest land near Sedona and the VOC, and to educate the public about trail management issues.

    The Red Rock Ranger District is now working on the next phase of ~56 miles of trail enhancements using a new process that may exclude these enhancements from more lengthy environmental review and analysis (known as “categorical exclusions”). Categorical exclusion still involve interdisciplinary review and documentation through the established planning process to avoid and minimize environmental impacts.

    The District must first determine that no extraordinary circumstances are present in any proposed project area to categorically exclude the project(s). This is accomplished with input from an interdisciplinary team of staff specialists that also analyze how the proposed project may affect their individual resource.

    The wildlife biologist reviews the impact of the proposed action on terrestrial threatened and endangered species, as well as on migratory birds and Forest Service sensitive species. If threatened and endangered species impacts are anticipated, the Forest Service then consults with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

    The hydrology specialist’s review focuses on wetland or municipal watershed impacts. The wilderness specialist determines if the project falls in any congressionally designated areas such as wilderness, and assesses if the project aligns with the intent of the designation(s). Other specialists will ensure that proposed action is consistent with the Coconino National Forest Plan and other laws and regulations.

    Lastly, the District’s archaeologist must determine if there are likely impacts to First Nations’ archeological sites or historic properties. This typically requires surveying the area and consulting with the State Historic Preservation Office on findings. Archaeologists from Tetra Tech, under contract to and funded by the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund, are conducting these surveys over the next several months. You may see them performing their field work in select forest areas near the VOC or Sedona.

    Public concerns and specialist input are considered in the District’s decision process, which will hopefully culminate in a Decision Memo approving proposed trail enhancements, new trails and any associated design features/mitigation measures. Implementation will then take several years as funding allows.

    SRRTF will lead that funding effort through its partnership with the Forest Service.

  • 3 Feb 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    On December 1st, Camille Cox joined the Trail Fund as program director.

    As mentioned in Kevin’s lead article – a grant from the AZ State Parks Heritage Fund made it possible to fulfill our development goal of adding muscle to our game with full-time professional staff.

    Camille is a familiar presence in the Sedona region. She has served on a long list of non-profit boards and committees since arriving here in 2015 – notably as president of the Big Park Council from 2020-22.

    Professionally, she brings deep experience in marketing. During the past 40 years she has worked client-side for two start-up companies and an international Fortune 500 corporation; she also founded two marketing agencies.

    She lives in Pine Valley on the edge of the Village of Oak Creek with her husband Philip and their loyal dog Jackie.


  • 3 Feb 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    By Kevin Kuhl, USFS Red Rock Ranger District

    This season has likely been one for the record books! We have the largest trail crew we’ve ever had, and likely some of the highest volunteer attendance for maintenance-based trail events. Our last event had over 45 people show up and sign-up space on the list overflowed to the margins of the paper! Since the beginning of the season, we’ve had seven public volunteer events and five more are planned. All had turnouts of 25+ people except one very cold, wet morning where only 15 hardy people joined in.

    With our crew members mostly new to the District or Forest, we organized a weeklong training conducted by Flagline Trails (funded through the SRRTF) to teach the finer aspects of Red Rock trail maintenance, the theory behind the work, project layout and how to teach volunteers to assist us with this work. This jump-start on building our crews’ district knowledge, in combination with the consistent weather, has allowed for great soil moisture … which equals more drainage work than normal. Small rock projects have also been added due to damage from the summer monsoon storms.

    The crew has been prepping for the Cathedral Rock project by learning some advanced rigging and rock splitting skillsets to better utilize our crews on the final Phase of the project. This training is also conducted by Flagline Trails. Last year, most of the rock was split and hand-carried with nets. Due to the steepness of the project site, we will be utilizing grip hoists, wire ropes, nylon slings and mechanical advantage to move the rock. We hope this improves efficiency and safety.

    A forest closure order has been signed off, closing the trail from the Templeton Junction to the terminus at the top from February 1st to March 31st. This will once again allow our crews to better manage the project site and production of work, while not having to worry about falling rocks on hikers below them due to steep terrain. We’ve arranged for Friends of the Forest and The Westerners Hiking Club to assist us in trail closure education and outreach at the Cathedral Rock Trailhead and at the Templeton junction during the closure.

    Tetra Tech, a contract firm based in Colorado, is assisting with the Red Rock Trails NEPA project. They have surveyed most of the shorter linear project areas and are close to 50% done with the Turkey Creek system. We anticipate public scoping for this project to be released this spring.

    Solutions for Staffing  To increase our employee recruitment, we have been able to attract more applicants from Flagstaff with formalized commuting assistance. We started the first vanpool program on the Coconino National Forest for Trail Crew employees. This is not a Forest Service funded program, but uses a rental vehicle funded by Federal Transit Subsidies and administered by the Department of Transportation – often at no cost to employees. Eight people are now benefiting, which makes daily commuting from Flagstaff far more attractive, based on our challenges with limited local government housing.

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