Red Rock Trails Forever

Special Project

Fiscal Year 2024 RRRD Trail Crew

The USFS Red Rock Ranger District is responsible for the caretaking and maintenance of more than 400 miles of recreational trails that meander through Sedona’s Red Rock Country. Unfortunately, federal allocations cover less that 10% of the annual cost. Since 2014, what the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund has been the dependable resource for providing the essential cash resources to ensure safety and sustainability. Today the cost of maintaining the Sedona area trails approaches $1million yearly.

What does trail maintenance involve, and why does it cost so much? It’s a lot of manual labor, executed with care, often in hard to reach places – brushing, debris removal. tread work, naturalization, construction of retaining walls and armoring, rock stair installation, draining structure installation/maintenance, signage installation. And more.

Trail crews also train and supervise volunteer teams which reduce the backlog of deferred maintenance throughout the district. In fact, about 25% of crew time is devoted to working with volunteers and partner organizations.

Cost for Fiscal year 2024 (Oct 1 – Sept 30) – $199,000 to provide a 14-member trail crew for the Red Rock Ranger District. The Sedona Red Rock Trail Funds is pursuing grants and awards and soliciting donations from individuals and businesses to meet this target.

Stewardship of our beloved trail system is only possible through the generous support of people like you.

Red Rock Trails Forever FUND

Please complete all mandatory fields and select Trail Maintenance Fund in the Fund field. We would appreciate it if you would supply your contact information so that we can keep you aware of the great things that donations do for the Red Rock Trails. Thanks! Your donation is a tax-deductible contribution.

In practice, the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund honors the giving preferences for donations whenever possible. In rare cases, when that is not possible, gifts will be used where needed. Therefore, donors explicitly release the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund from any restrictions on how those funds are spent.

To mail a donation:
Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund
PO Box 20303
Sedona, AZ 86341

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization –
Tax ID#46-4372941.


When you provide your email address, you will automatically receive a donation receipt for your records. We will also keep you apprised periodically about the work made possible by your donation. Your contact information will not be sold or used for any other purpose.

Donation Form

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Payment frequency

Sedona Red Rock Trail fund is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and an Official Partner of the US Forest Service Red Rock Ranger District.


If you have questions or would like additional information, please reach out directly by email to:

Camille Cox, Program Director

PO Box 20303
Sedona, AZ 86341

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Copyright © 2025 Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund.